Thursday, February 5, 2009

You SPACE Yoga Journey

Here is the mystery pose of the week. Do you remember what it is called?

WEEK #4 Hello Shoreline Yogis!
This week our adventure was out of this world as we blasted off on “Your SPACE Yoga Journey.” We learned about constellations in the winter sky and about looking at things from a new perspective.

Here are the poses we did this week:

Space Helmet Breathing
Sun Stretches
Blast Off!
Space Shuttle
Half Moon
5 Pointed Star
Warrior 1 & 2
Down Dog
Gemni Twins - Partner Tree
Crescent Moon
Sun Salutation (check out an animation at

Return To Earth

We have one more week of this session so I will see you next week when we will celebrate all the hard work we have done. Great job this week my space travelers!

See you next Thursday.


-Ms. Jen

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